Morningstar Art Collective

Among our values are beauty, creativity and self-expression. Many of us are artists, and use art as part of our magical, religious and devotional practices. A few of us have chosen to be highlighted here.

Quinn Valentine

Quinn Valentine is a queer, autistic artist from the Bay Area who makes work centered on their personal ideas about the power of transness. They enjoy taking the homophobic myths perpetuated by hyper conservative Christian propaganda to flip them inside out into something new that empowers instead. They work with other witches like themself and with nature to generate new pieces to embody the divine rebels they see in their loved ones.

Pastor Johnny

Head Pastor Johnny, co-founder of CoTMS, considers himself more of an enthusiastic amateur than a “real” artist. Recently, he has been inspired to make a series of miniature 3.5” by 2.5” pieces, mostly of a religious nature. At the left, his depiction of the goddess Nuit.